Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Takashi Nakazato [was] at Anderson Ranch

Takashi Nakazato is a thirteenth generation Karatsu (Japan, see map) potter.  He has been a visiting artist to Anderson Ranch many, many times over his career. Last week, THE last week before he returned to Japan, we (the residents) had the privilege of watching him create a variety of pristine forms from the wheel.  Doug Casebeer, long time Anderson Ranch potter and AR resident coordinator, helped us to understand that most of the forms are derived from natural forms such as clam shells, persimmons, or peppercorns.  The video above shows a floral form which I'm guessing could be a lotus(?).  The Karatsu pottery style came to Japan from Korea in the 1300's; you can see on the map below that its location in Japan is closer to South Korea than any other country.

Then you can see this 1300-1405 map that I found, because I love maps (click for larger image). . . 

Takashi has been known to throw 200 tea bowls before lunchtime. If you'd like to read more about his life and work, visit http://www.yoyokaku.com/Nakazato.htm. Watching Takashi's fluid movements and confidence in his manipulation of paper-thin walls of clay was yet another pleasantry added to the serenity and inspiration found here at AR . . . as we approach week 3, there'll be more . . . again, stay tuned.

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